No Internet Hey guys im currently at my local library. wanna know why? Bigpond fked us over (us meaning my family)
Bigpond is a Broadband provider in australia i urge anyone with them to leave asap. here is how it went down.
about a week or 2 ago we get cut off... dad rings up... they say we havent paid a bill... we hadnt recived the bill yet... we get pissed off... ring them everyday to try get connected... they stall thier arse off... >> Fast forward 1 week >>... dad visits a friends house... asks who hes connected with... he replys with "supernerd"... im like lolwut... they have 150gb in downloads for $90 AUS... (we are on 25gb for $100)... big companys try to cover this shit up... we leave Bigpond and join SuperNerd... Now to wait another week to get connected...
Thats pretty much how it went down...
Lemme repeat 1 part though
they have 150gb in downloads for $90 AUS... (we are on 25gb for $100)Ridiculous.
Back to school
As some may know i go back to school on the 1st of feburary but some of you dont that im going back to school with... My mum!... the school i go to allows older people and young people... none the less its school