This is a very good question indeed! BECAUSE I can't remember what the last few additions i added where before development stopped :')
Let's see...
I decided i no longer liked the look of the collections screen along side the Skill Stats so i decided to revamp that...
The Guild system (which is still unfinished), You can only start a guild once you have reached Holy City, however once a guild is formed anyone can join. It costs 30000 gold to form a Guild and you need a minimum of Four Founding members... The Guild Leader and 3 members/admins.
A guild leader can at any point disband a guild, they also have the power to invite people and kick people from their Guild. Guild Admins can not kick a Guild leader or another admin but they can kick individual players and invite players to the Guild. Normal Guild members have no special rights.
Once in a Guild, you are appointed a Guild House inside Guild Manor, Holy City, Inside the Guild house you can use the Guild Stores (they are just NPC stores appointed at specific Guild Levels) and you may also choose a sub Guild Quest which are used to attain Guild Exp
Each time your Guild Levels up the Guild House changes.
I have also remade the Crafting system (to a certain extent) of that it's a lot less glitchier, it looks nicer, and it's less exploitable.
I re-wrote a section of the battle system for using items in battle to remove some old exploits along side an exploit in the shop system that i've patched.
There is no longer an individual sprite sheet. Each sprite has it's own .BMP file alongside paperdolled items. This make updates to individual sprites/items MUCH MUCH easier...
ALSO, the Kryce Development is being delayed until mid-June.
I've got a few events i'm hosting before hand that i need to get out of the way. For example my Middlesbrough Games Development/Kweh! Entertainment! Inc GamesJam, where a team of 20 students build a full in 72 hours.
There's probably a few other things but i've forgot :')